Guardians of students 5 and under should remain at the studio during class time.
All dancers should remain inside the studio until their guardian arrives for pick-up. Please remember that the studio space is limited, and dancers should be picked up no later than 5 minutes after their class ends.
Lateness is strongly discouraged, as it is disruptive to classes already in progress and could result in injury to students. If a student is more than 15 minutes late to class, they may be asked to stretch and observe in order for the student to gain insight into where the class is at for the day, as well as to be adequately warmed up. Late dancers will be entered into the class at an appropriate time for that day. This is for safety as well as dance class etiquette purposes. It is essential for dancers to be adequately warmed up to avoid injury and to respect their teacher and fellow students by not disrupting the class in progress.
Parents are asked to please keep other children from running around, using loud voices, or engaging in any unruly behavior in the waiting room, as this is a place of business, and we try our very best to give all dancers our best efforts to encourage focus during class time, and all families respect of their space. Furthermore, our space is limited, and does not allow for extra activity during classes. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Children not attending class are not to be left at the studio unattended at any time. Parents will receive an extra $10 charge on their monthly bill for babysitting services if children are left unattended.
There is no gum chewing in class. Gum is a choking hazard as well as unprofessional.
Food and beverages must be eaten on the first floor of the studio. Water can be taken upstairs for class . Water is strongly suggested as the beverage of choice for all students. Students can also purchase bottled water at the studio for $1 if needed. If they do not have another payment form, their is a water bottle sign-up sheet where it will be added to their account. Students are asked to keep all beverages in the cubby storage area. Spilled beverages on our dance flooring can cause extreme damage over time and immediately threaten students safety. During our snowy winter season, we ask that all wet shoes are left in the waiting area or in our designated areas. "Wet Shoes" have the same effect as spilled beverages.
Parents must keep Dance Me informed and updated of any change in address, telephone, email, etc.
The dance season typically begins in September and ends in June, with breaks in December, February, and April, culminating with our year-end "Dance Recital" performance.
Tuition is paid in monthly installments, due on the first lesson of each month. The first installment and the Registration Fee are due at registration. Please see our Tuition Page for more information. Tuition is divided by 10 months in an effort to keep costs low and consistent. Some months may have 5 classes while others may have none depending on calendar layout, holidays, weather, etc. Regardless, the tuition payments stay the same. Make ups will be addressed on a case by case basis.
A costume down payment of $35 is due on November 1st. The remainder of the costume balance is due mid-January. We do our best to keep costume costs down. Costs will be announced in December.
Monthly payments are due by the 1st class of each month. All payments received after the 7th will be charged a $10 late fee for each month it is late. Tuition that is late by more than two months could result in a student being suspended from classes. Tuition that is paid in full at the time of registration for the semester (September –December or January – June) will receive a 5% Discount; or in full for the entire year (September – June) will receive a 10% Discount. If taking advantage of these discounts there is no refunds if a student does not complete the entire term that has been paid for. If payment is not made by the first class of the semester or year, then the discount will no longer apply. Payments are accepted online, in person, and over the phone. We accept check, cash and visa and master cards. If paying cash or check, please drop it into the Tuition box at the studio. Envelopes are available at the studio for your payment convenience.
You may withdraw from any or all classes at any time by filling out a withdrawal form and handing it in no later than the 1st of the month.
Please note: If the withdrawal form is not received by the 1st of the month, you are responsible for that month’s tuition payment. You will continue to be charged until the withdrawal form is submitted. If tuition was paid in full, you will be refunded the pro-rated monthly amount for the remaining months.
Good attendance habits should be maintained to keep up with class progress and prevent students from holding back other students' learning and development as dancers. If a student is going to be absent, please email Miss Bri or your teacher. There are no discounts or refunds for missed classes. Make-ups are available if coordinated with Miss Bri. We are flexible with this, but we ask that it be coordinated beforehand.
Any studio closings or cancellations will be posted on the website's "Home" page, the studio's Facebook and Instagram pages, and the studio BAND group.
Dance Me will typically follow the Niskayuna School District's snow day cancellations. Please note, one- or two-hour delays do not equate to class cancellation for that evening.
Dance Me DOES NOT follow the Niskayuna school district calendar for Holidays and days off. Please see or download our annual calendar for days off and other happenings. If Miss Bri feels a class has missed too many due to Holidays, students will be offered a make-up date.
Dress code is a very important part of dance class. Please assist us in maintaining a professional atmosphere and teaching students discipline by abiding by our Dress Code rules.
All dancers must be dressed appropriately for dance class. Showing up to class in dress code shows the teachers and other students that you have shown up prepared to learn. This is the best way to set your mind up for success in dance class. Dress Code also creates less distractions in classes. This includes allowing teachers to properly see body placement in order to offer corrections. If there are too many distracting articles of clothing, it makes for a tough time offering these corrections. If students do not come to class prepared with their dress code, they may be asked to sit out and take notes.
For ALL classes, hair MUST be neat and pulled back away from the face.
We partner with 2 local stores to be sure you can find all of your dress code needs.
We also have our in-house Dance Me Exchange, see Miss Deb.
Please note: Warm up clothing is only welcome in colder weather during warm ups. This is in order for dancer to get the most out of class, clothing must be tight so proper corrections can be given. Students will be asked to remove baggy clothing unless it is part of dress code for that style of dance. If a student refuses to abide by dress code, the teacher has the right to ask the student to leave class until they have the proper attire. We appreciate your help!
Please find below, the specific dress codes for each class:
2141 Eastern Pkwy, Schenectady, NY 12309, USA